Operator Number Mystery Greek Function Bold Operator Access Show easy buttons Available Expand on Startup Measure Graph %s% as... Save Graph Save Preferences Save Background colour: Resolution: %s% Reset Guides Please complete the tick specification Please specify some custom ticks (for example x=k$fsymbol$p$f$) Press return to show ticks; press tab to add a constraint Press return to show ticks; press tab to edit the next constraint Please complete the condition Enter “if” to start a conditional definition Press } to finish the set Press } to finish the term Show memory monitor on startup Precise character layout Default font size: Subdivisions Exhausted index value condition n Easy Buttons Show Unformatted Line Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Preparing to save Ok Ok Ok Order Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok or after 4 seconds after 3 seconds after 2 seconds Load Memory load Pedagoguery software 4446 Lazelle Avenue Terrace BC V8G 1R8 fax/phone: (250) 638-8606 http://www.peda.com/ email: peda@peda.com Please complete the constraint Press return to graph; press tab to edit the next constraint Please enter a constraint Please complete the relation Use the edit menu to work with the current selection Greek Roman Greek Roman Fonts (Edit/Entry Field) Fonts (Visual Field, Unformatted) Precision Exhausted Ok Include formatting details in text clip Press dash to complete ± Excluding x=0 Cancel Create user-defined Create Ticks Create Preformatted Ticks What kind of preformatted ticks would you like? No Yes Would you like preformatted ticks? Press any key to resume. Copy Address • “%s%” The interface language will not be changed in the middle of a session. To use a different language, you must save the preferences and restart GrafEq. The password must be entered to modify this preference. Please enter the password. Warn user about potential printer driver problems Warn user about potential video driver problems Warnings